
How to Successfully Network & Build Relationships

Dec 15, 2022

2 Min. Read

How to Successfully Network & Build Relationships

You can have an amazing product, or be an awesome affiliate, but if you do not have a strong network, it can take a lot longer to scale and create a top-earning income stream. Networking is the industry’s secret to becoming more successful and making more money online.

In today’s day and age, it is easier than ever to connect with people who have similar interests and business goals from all over the world… But it can be hard to know where to begin, and how to make a lasting impact that flows into your business.

The truth is, people like to do business with people they like and are more connected to… relationships equal money! 

So, we wanted to give you our 3 very best tips to successfully network & build relationships.

Plus, make sure to watch our Affiliate Marketing Academy episode on how to create amazing affiliate relationships.

3 Best Tips To Successfully Network & Build Relationships

#1 - Show Up!

There are tons of conferences and events happening both in-person and online. Figure out the best events that align with your business and brand. Then, “show up”, put yourself out there, and attend the best events for you and your business goals. Digistore24 can always be found at some of the big annual events, like the Affiliate Summits and Traffic & Conversion Summit.

#2 -  Give Value

We all have unique talents and traits. Even if you have something to offer that is not business related, there's always some type of value you can provide to even the most successful marketers.

This industry is filled with people of all types and from all walks of life. You have unique gifts that others may be looking for. So always focus on first giving value, while expecting nothing in immediate return.

#3 - Don’t Sell Right Away

When you are networking, meeting people, and having conversations, don’t think of it as a sales pitch. It’s important to find common interests & create personal connections… the selling can come later.

Again, remember: People like to do business with people they like! So get to know people and let them get to know you. This will make doing business later a much better experience.

Final Takeaway

Networking and building relationships is the key to truly having success in business and in life, so make sure to put yourself out there, and follow our three keys to success.

If you are still unsure about where to start, you can join the Digistore24 network on our Facebook or Instagram pages. This is a great place to reach out and find people to begin networking & collaborating with in direct-response marketing.

Want to become a Digistore24 affiliate? Simply go here to register for free.

Robert Demeter, Content Writer, Digistore24


Robert Demeter

Content Writer

Robert is a content specialist with over 6 years of experience in content writing and was published in major U.S. outlets, including The New York Times, Business Insider, and more. He has a sharp eye for detail, extensive digital marketing knowledge and a proactive approach to any topic, morphing his writing style to fit various marketing outlets, including blogs, social media, ads, email and more.